Bank Promotion Exam | Study Material | Syllabus
Bank promotion exams play an important role in career advancement, offering benefits like higher salaries, and enhanced job security. This exam provides employees with the chance to broaden their knowledge and skills necessary for growth in the banking sector. Our study material is prepared by our experts to ensure your guaranteed success rate in your Bank Promotion Exam. Our complete course includes videos, Epdfs, previous years' questions, and mock tests to let you prepare for the exam.
Bank promotion main exams

Bank Clerks

Probationary Officers (PO)

Specialist Officers (SO)

Office Assistants (SCALE-I)

Assistant Managers (SCALE-II)

Managers (SCALE-III),

Chief Managers (SCALE-IV)

Assistant General Managers (SCALE-V)
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Bank promotion exams are held for various Public Sector Banks (PSBs) and Regional Rural Banks (RRBs), including institutions like SBI, its Associate Banks, the Reserve Bank of India, the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, the Small Industries Development Bank of India, several cooperative banks, LIC, and some insurance companies that are members of IBPS.
Since promotions are highly sought after by banking professionals, many choose to pursue the merit channel rather than wait for seniority. By achieving strong scores in Bank Promotion Exams, individuals can quickly advance their positions.
These exams are conducted for a range of roles in banks, including
Bank Promotion Exam Syllabus and Exam Dates
Candidates can check the syllabus and exam dates for the Bank Promotion Exams by visiting the official IBPS website. The website provides the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the topics covered in the exams as well as the specific dates for each bank's promotional exams.
It is crucial for candidates to regularly check this resource to stay informed about any changes or updates. Additionally, reviewing the syllabus thoroughly can help in effective preparation and strategizing for the exams.
Eligibility for Bank Promotions
Bank Clerk to Officer - The eligibility for bank clerical to officer scale – 1 is 2-3 years of experience & if you have already cleared JAIIB and CAIIB exams, you get 1 year of seniority for passing the JAIIB as well as for the CAIIB (i.e 2 Years if you have cleared both JAIIB and CAIIB)
In the case of RRBs – Regional Rural Banks this eligibility criteria is more i.e. from 4-6 years.
At Learning Sessions, we have been providing Bank Promotion Exam study material for years. With our expert guidance and effective study material, you can approach your preparation with confidence and clarity.